Awesome, except
Guitar recording had too much of an airy, echoey, non-studio sound
Awesome, except
Guitar recording had too much of an airy, echoey, non-studio sound
yeah... it's non-studio quality.. all guitars are recorded with microphones, but we are to remade this song in studio soon... thank you for review !
sounds like boss music
Sounds like boss music :)
The song starts progressing and then it's over.
a good blend of themes
it had a little bit of red-neckness to hit (to symbolize a realistic bank-robbery emotion) and some hip-hopness because gangstas enjoy the occasional bankrobbery, and a touch of Far-Cry ness to improve the overall mood
thats what I was going for :D except the redneck part hehe. Well thanks for the review!
Where did you learn
Where did you learn? I don't like making proper music because it takes time and work.
I essentially took the time to teach myself... the few tutorials on Youtube weren't that useful but I did pull some ideas from Basshunter's vid.
I like it until 0:13. the "melody" sounds evil clownish, I guess that's why it's called "bizzaro"
yeah it is...but chec out my other works this one is old and crappy
good but around 1:45 the notes were good but then became bad
it is good
it is good but sounds could be more realistic (what can you expect, it's FL studio.)
The song is awesome and complex, I've never tried to compose such a song in FL Studio.
Hey thanks. This did not come from FL studio though. It came from Finale.
What program do you have? It sure as hell isn't FL Studio!
It's actually FL studio , it's just that i mostly like to avoid using premade presets for things. i also use lots of soundfonts.
Age 34, Male
Joined on 12/4/07